* Denotes executable which contains content installed by either of the optional US Base Families, UK Base Families or German Base Families.
** Denotes executable which contains content already installed with either Revit 2021 or Revit LT 2021 by default.
If you would like to extract the entire package and overwrite the existing files, please run the executable using the "Run as Administrator" option. If you encounter this message, it means that the files are already present and no further action is needed. This is due to Windows needing explicit Administrator permissions to overwrite an existing file contained within the C:\ProgramData location.
During file extraction you may encounter a "Cannot create…" error message.
The files will be extracted to RVT 2021 and RLT 2021 folders when applicable.
Specify the desired content location (Default destination folder “C:\Program Data\Autodesk\”) and choose Extract.
Launch the content executable from the saved local location.
Download the desired content executable to a local location.
The below links represent the Family Templates, Project Templates and Family Libraries provided for Revit 2021 and Revit LT 2021 in all supported languages and locales.